Live chat

Communicate with your partners and clients over an easy and manageable chat center to deliver outstanding personal service
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Real-time messaging

Today’s savvy online consumers need to ask questions, check options and get advice before they purchase. Make sure you’re available to answer their queries with support for real time live chat straight out of your website.
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Rich Messaging

Enhanced communication

Consolto's live chat merges real-time and asynchronous conversations, enriched with features like file sharing, image-sharing, emojis, voice messages, and group chats to offer a comprehensive and personalized customer experience.
Chat and video chat

Persistent Messaging

Frustrated from losing chat messages after video meetings? In Consolto, when sales and other important meetings happen over live video chat, each message is worth its weight in gold. All text chats are automatically saved to the conversations' center, so that you can quickly and easily find them whenever you like.
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Rake in the profits with live chat!

38% of consumers are more likely to buy from a company if they offer live chat support
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Notable capabilities

Top 5 capabilities of Consolto's live chat

HIPAA compliant, encrypted messaging.
In-chat money-transaction requests.
Voice messages.
Drag&Drop file and image transfer.
Active chat-engager, leading the way for agents to start the conversation.

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