Rich Communication Center

Boost performance and deliver an enhanced customer experience with all of your customer data at your fingertips
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Unified Communications

All-in-one omni-platform

Consolto's Rich Communication Center combines live chat, video chat, calendar & appointment scheduling, voice messages, drag&drop file and image sharing, payments, contact forms, call recordings and analytics. These capabilities streamline your team's customer-interactions to one seamless interface.
Data intensive

Centralize your customer-profile and data

Your customer data is crucial to your business. If you're saving call recordings with one tool, meeting notes saved in another tool and chats on yet another software -- you are losing data. Bring files, images, audio-recordings, video-recordings, text messages, meeting notes, form-submissions, appointments, profile insights and payments to one place. Organized and searchable. All customer media at your fingertips. Easy.
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It's time to start your journey

Play with Consolto's dashboard. It's a few clicks away.
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Manage customer communication in one place

Live Chat
Instant messaging for real-time customer support and engagement.
Rich conversations
Voice messages, Drag&drop image and file transfer,
Apple & B&H added Live Sales Specialists
If they did it, there’s probably something in it.
in Sales
More meetings. Higher revenue
Simple and streamlined meeting operations effectively means more meetings.
More organized. More outcomes
One place with all client messages, recordings, files and your personal notes.
Easy money transfer
Charge when meetings are booked or during chats and calls.
Demonstrate your product or service with live video and screen-sharing. Increase clarity.
It’s one thing to ask a client what he sees. It’s another thing to see it yourself.
Schedule with ease
Make it super easy to schedule onboarding calls. At Consolto, we use this all the time!
Quickly resolve
Speed up issue-resolution and dump those endless email threads. Get to the point. Fast.
Be there with them
Customers use their mobile cams and desktops. Seeing the issue is half way to solving it.
Keep track
Maintain all customer history at your fingertips including calls, messages, files...
proActive engagement

2-way customer engagement

Unlike other platforms that only wait for messages, Consolto lets you start the conversation. Chat or video call customers on your site, and email or send meeting invites when they're not. Don't settle for passive. Be proactive and win.

It's a number's game

The numbers never lie! Instantly access important usage stats like session time, page views and last page visited. Leverage data to understand which products or services make customers fingers’ go click-crazy!
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Together we’ll change what you considered as great communication experience
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