Active engager - Give remote an in-store feeling
What is Active Engager?
The Active Engager feature lets you to proactively contact visitors on your website. This also means you will get notified when customers land on your site.
On other words, you don't need to wait until your customers hit the chat button and contact you and you can proactively increase your conversion rates and approach them.

How it works:
In the Chat Center real-time website visitors are marked as "on site" (green).Click on any one of them to initiate a chat or video call.
When your customers are viewing another tab (while keeping your website open), the indication will be set as "BACKGROUND".
You can reach out to your customers while they have either On-Site or Background statuses. In the "Not on site" status, you will be given the opportunity to send your customer an email (in case the email has been collected).

In the team-widget scenario, we made an effort to keep things simple and built special logic that will help the team manage customers with another "Busy" status. This status means the customer is in a conversation with another agent (imagine a case another agent is in a conversation with your customer and you try to contact that customer and interrupt in their conversation... oooopsy)

Active Engager setup:
You can enable active-engager from Settings >> Advanced >> Active Engager. Or click here.