Triggering the Consolto widget programatically

You’re installing Consolto but prefer triggering the widget using your own frontend code.

The widget can trigger one of the following six actions: 

  • Open widget ==> open-widget
  • Start chat ==> start-chat
  • Start video call ==> start-call
  • Start audio call ==> start-audio-call
  • Start scheduling ==> start-scheduling
  • Start contact form ==> start-form
  • Close widget==> close-widget

IMPORTANT NOTE: Before you continue, please note there are separate instructions for “Multi-agent” and “Single-agent” widget. 

If you embed the script from the “Team Center”   in your website (available in our Enterprise plan), use the “Multi-agent widget” instructions.

Path 1: Single-Agent widget


window.addEventListener('consoltoEvent', (e) => { // Listen to events sent from Consolto

   if (e.detail.consoltoReady) { // Will be true only when Consolto becomes ready

   var event = new CustomEvent('consolto_h2w', { // Create a custom event that will be dispatched and trigger one of the actions.

  detail: {

         'et-click-type': 'open-widget', // One of the 5 available actions



   window.dispatchEvent(event); // Here we programmatically trigger the Consolto widget




  1. To start an action programmatically, we first need an indication Consolto is ready. List to a consoltoEvent where the detail.consoltoReady equals true.
  2. Create a new CustomEvent of type "consolto_h2w" -- host to widget if you stumbled upon the abbreviation :) Make sure to indicate which action should be triggered by adding the et-click-type as above.
  3. Dispatch the event and it will trigger the Consolto widget. In the example above we've triggered this immediately after the page loads. Feel free to trigger this at a later stage.

Path 2: Multi-Agent widget


window.addEventListener('consoltoEvent', (e) => {

   if (e.detail.consoltoReady) { // need to wait until Consolto is ready

   const event = new CustomEvent('consolto_h2w', { // dispatch an event that will trigger one of the actions.

  detail: {

         'et-click-type': 'open-widget',

         'et-agent-id': '13213212313131',







  • The main difference between the multi-agent and the single-agent triggers is the agentId that needs to be added to the customEvent. The agentId can be found in the Consolto-backoffice, under the Team Center ==> Agents ==> Specific agent ==> agentId (3 in the image below).
  • If you'd like to start a specific skin, use the skin id found in the
  • To start an action programmatically we first need an indication Consolto is ready. Listen to a consoltoEvent where the detail.consoltoReady equals true.
  • Create a new CustomEvent of type "consolto_h2w" -- host to widget if you stumbled upon the abbreviation :) Make sure to indicate which action should be triggered by adding the et-click-type as above.
  • Dispatch the event and it will trigger the Consolto widget. In the example above we've triggered this immediately after the page loads. Feel free to trigger this at a later stage.


  1. To open the widget on the list of agents (rather than a single agent): use the open-widget action and data-et-agent-id="multi". Otherwise, provide the agentId.
  2. IMPORTANT: To select a random AVAILABLE agent, put et-agent-id="AVAILABLE"
  3. If things don't work as expected - double check that the agentId you provided is right.


Q: How can I select an available agent programmatically? 
A: in the et-agent-id field, put "AVAILABLE"