Overview Tab
The overview tab offers an instant snapshot of your performance and highlights other important stats.

The left side of the screen presents statistics while the right shows you the action items waiting for your attention.
We'll start with the statistics area, which is divided into 4 quadrants:

Daily visits
Select the time range you’d like to view. You can choose today, this week (starting Sunday), last 7 days, this month, last 30 days and all-time (from the moment you and Consolto had your first date :)
Daily visits (also known as page-views) refer to the amount of times that visitors loaded pages where the Consolto plugin was installed (not necessarily visible).
Daily interactions measure the amount of interactions that visitors had using Consolto. These interactions include:
- Text-chats. The entire text chat interaction is counted as 1.(not every chat message).
- Video-calls - Every video-call is counted.
- Schedule appointments - Counted upon submission of an appointment request.
- WhatsApp - Counted when WhatsApp button is clicked.
- Facebook - Counted when the Facebook Messenger button is clicked.
- Inbox message - Counted when a contact form is submitted.
- Phone - Counted when your phone number is displayed.

Text messages are a great way to communicate with your clients. It's important to respond to them quickly, so that you don’t miss the opportunity to communicate with your client.
The total amount of chats include the total number of chat sessions that were started during the defined time range. All chats are counted, whether you answered them or not. The success rate is measured by the ratio of answered chats in relation to the total number of chat sessions.
Video calls
Video calls are the heart of the Consolto platform.

Video calls are counted whether they’ve been accepted, rejected or ignored.
The number of video calls initiated by your clients can be seen by looking at the entire bar. The calls that were successfully answered are represented in dark blue.
Conversion statistics
Conversion statistics count the number of varied types with which your clients communicated with you. This can be via text, video calls, inbox messages, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, phone calls and by scheduling meetings with you.
The total amount of conversions is stated at the top which summarizes all the conversions that took place during a specific time range.
Each one of these actions is also counted and presented separately in this chart:

The right side of the overview page presents your action items.

The upcoming schedule shows you appointments from your schedule tab on Consolto.
The voice messages include all the voice messages that you haven’t heard yet.
The unread messages are text messages that you haven’t read yet.
The Overview Page helps you track your progress and improvement on all forms of communications with your visitors. Monitor these stats to see how they evolve over time and add targets to spur increased performance.